Ayurveda at Ananda Resort, Rishikesh

Panchakarma - (The full program takes minimum 14 days)
Pancha means five, Karma means therapy. This five-fold purification therapy aims at correcting the imbalance of the body's bio energies (the Doshas: Vata, Pitta, Kapha) in order to maintain their inherent equilibrium. Like the earth these bio-energies also have their own seasons. When one of the doshas accumulates, the body becomes imbalanced and prone to illness.

Ayurveda recommends a thorough internal cleansing therapy to clear and balance the bio-energies. The clusters of five cleansing procedures or shodhanakarmas, comprise of emesis (therapeutic vomiting), laxatives, enemas, nasal cleansing and blood purification.

This therapy also combats neurological ailments like paralysis, arthritis, rheumatism, dermatological problems and mental disorders.

Abhyanga (45 minutes)
A synchronized whole body massage performed by two therapists using a specific herbal oil selected according to the body type. The massage is followed by a steam bath and a hot shower. The treatment brings about improved physical consistency, induces deep relaxation and is very beneficial for vigor and vitality. In Ayurvedic classical texts, massage is mentioned as a preparatory measure, which stimulates various body systems, thus increasing the efficacy of any other treatment undertaken as part of an overall program. It has been known to greatly assist in improving the symptoms of rheumatism, improving eyesight, promoting sleep and creating a glowing appearance to the skin. Abhyanga has a rejuvenating effect on the whole body.

Udwarthana (30 minutes)
This is a typical deep and dry massage using herbal powders. This massage is done in a proper manner so as to stimulate hair follicles and subcutaneous fat tissue to break down subcutaneous fat storage. The dry powder massage reduces blood cholesterol, obesity, skin problems, imparts mobility to the joints, strengthens muscles and refreshes the body. The most promising effect is the slimming of the body.

Choornaswedan (30 minutes)
This therapy begins with the application of a Dosha specific massage oil to the entire body. The entire body is then subjected to exude profusely after a thorough massage of herbal powders made into a bundle. This relieves neurological disorders, rheumatism, arthritis and sports injuries.

Njavarakizhi (45 minutes)
A massage to the body with small linen bags filled with cooked Njavara rice after a liberal application of medicated oil over the whole body. The rice is cooked in cow's milk mixed with a herbal decoction. The bags are dipped in the same mixture and applied all over the body to induce sudation (sweat). This procedure is highly rejuvenating, nourishing and prepares the individual to bear the stresses and strains of a busy lifestyle. It enhances physical consistency, strengthens the nervous system and improves the overall appearance of the skin. This is a strengthening fomentation employed in neurological disorders, rheumatism, arthritis and malnutrition of limbs.

Pizhichil (60 minutes)
This therapy is a beautiful combination of two classical Ayurvedic treatments, Snehana (oleation) and Swedana (sudation). In this highly sought after rejuvenation treatment, lukewarm herbal oils are applied all over the body by two Ayurvedic therapists in a special rhythmic movement. The massage is very slow and light without exerting much pressure. Pizhichil is considered as the most natural way to purify different body systems. This massage protects the body from illnesses and builds up immunity for a healthy life. It is very useful for rheumatic diseases, sexual weakness, blood pressure, nervous weakness and helps to arrest the aging process.

Sirodhara (45 minutes)
Luke warm herbal oil is poured in a continuous stream onto the forehead, while receiving a gentle massage on the forehead. Sirodhara rejuvenates and revitalizes the body and mind. This therapy relieves stress and strain related problems, slows the aging process, improves memory and is known to have a curative effect for paralysis and other neurological malfunctions. Sirodhara ultimately strengthens the physical constitution of the individual.

Takradahara (45minutes)
Takra means buttermilk and Dhara means pouring. This therapy calms the individual down by using medicated buttermilk, which is poured onto the forehead to relieve insomnia, depression and other stress related problems. It prevents greying of the hair, reduces headaches, increases digestive power and alleviates anorexia. In cases of psoriasis, Dhara is performed on the affected area to have a curative effect.

Tarpana (30 minutes)
Medicated ghee is retained in a reservoir made over the eyes with black gram powder. This therapy will have a cooling effect on irritated and stressed eyes. This relieves eyestrain, improves eyesight and other eye related problems.

Gandusa (20 minutes)
This therapy involves the retention of medicated oil or decoction in the mouth for several minutes. The benefits of this therapy will bring a glow to the face, improve lines and wrinkles, tone the skin and assist with any kind of mouth, voice or teeth disorders while cleansing the ear, nose and throat pathways.

Kaval (20 minutes)
This therapy requires the retention, movement and gargling of medicated oil or decoction in the mouth. This process is highly beneficial for ear, nose, throat disorders and improving the voice while bringing a glow to the face.

Vamana (30 minutes)
Ananda's gentle version of Vamana, is performed by administering herbal decoction. This process will induce therapeutic vomiting. This is a very beneficial therapy for Kapha predominating disorders such as asthma, cough, psoriasis and skin disorders.

Virechana (30 minutes)
This therapy alleviates excess Pitta from the body. Ananda's version of Virechana is performed by administering Virechak Aushdhi (purgative medicine) in milk or warm water preparation. This therapy alleviates excess Pitta in the body and is extremely beneficial in Pitta disorders such as dermatitis, chronic fever, heartburn and jaundice.

Sneha Vasti (30 minutes)
The main seat of the Vata Dosha is Pakwashaya (large intestine); therefore Vasti, an oil enema, is the main therapy for all Vata disorders such as constipation, neurological ailments, paralysis, flatulence, lower backache, gout and rheumatism.

Kashaya Vasti (30 minutes)
This therapy is normally done after a course of Sneha Vasti. This is a cleansing enema where honey, oil and an herbal decoction are administered. The results nourish and rebuild the Dhatus (body tissues), strengthen their activities, restore and strengthen the body's immunity. This is very nutritive while removing accumulated Malas (toxins) from the colon.

Nasya (30 minutes)
The face, shoulders and chest are massaged with a specific herbal oil and made to perspire. The medicine in exact doze is measured and poured into the nostrils, while inhaling. After this process, the area around the nose, chest, palms and foot are massaged vigorously. This treatment is highly effective for headaches, sinusitis, migraine and rhinitis.
April 2025